Slettahjell,Solveig Pixiedust CD1. Hope Is the Thing with Feathers 2. Faith 3. Trust and Pixiedust 4. Have a Little Faith in Me 5. Milo 6. Home 7. Little Wonder 8. Don't Explain 9. Count the Days 10...
Slettahjell,Solveig Domestic Songs CD1. 4.30 Am 2. I Do 3. One of These Days 4. This Is These Days 5. Because 6. Time 7. Snowfall 8. Match Perfect 9. Inscription for the Ceiling of a Bedroom 10. Bed...
Slettahjell,Solveig Good Rain CD1. Where Do You Run to 2. Another Day 3. Don't Look Back 4. Colour Lullabye 5. Flawless 6. We Were Indians 7. Do Lord 8. My Oh My 9. Good Rain 10. Moon 11. PS I Love...