Intriguing film noir drama (and one of the few of that genre to be shot in color) stars John Payne as Ben Grace, a hood working for a big-city crime boss (Ted de Corsia). Sent to dig up incriminating...
When working girl Peggy Evans of humdrum Hotchkiss Falls gets a makeover, she does more than change from prim brunette to racy blonde. She gets a whole new life, leaving behind what everyone thinks...
Armed with a copy of a Harvard student's thesis, a homeless man makes the desperate student an offer: In exchange for food and a place to stay during the harsh winter, he will return the thesis one...
Based on James M. Cain's novel LOVE'S LOVELY COUNTERFEIT and a brilliant follow up to his 1940s successes DOUBLE INDEMNITY and POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE. Driven by blind ambition, fast-talking...
Richard Chamberlain turns in a smooth and persuasive performance (The Motion Picture Guide) in a riveting courtroom drama that was nominated for two 1963 Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor (Nick...