A man struggles with events he experience while serving in Vietnam. Gradually, he becomes unable to differentiate reality from the strange, psychotic world into which he increasingly lapses. His...
Trapped in a fire that looks likely to kill him, a fireman takes a last opportunity to reflect on his career, wife, and family. Direction: Jay Russell Actors: Balthazar Getty, Billy Burke, Jacinda...
In an anonymous Japanese metropolis, a dark erotic force infiltrates the lives of a reserved career woman in her thirties and her obsessively clean workaholic husband.
Blanca, a young woman with no memory of her past, is saved by Xuan, a snake catcher from a nearby village. Together they go on a journey to discover her real identity. As they learn about her past,...
Frank Zappa's highly acclaimed film from 1979 includes over three hours of outrageous Zappa musical performances and unique & bizarre Claymation from Bruce Bickford.