Metal Slug 4 marks the dazzling return of the Peregrine Falcons in this unforgettable new episode of the cult series developed by SNK. In this sequel, the legendary Snk Sound Team continues it's work...
For the 25th anniversary of the legendary SNK's game series Metal Slug, Way? Records is proud to present this new complete edition of the Metal Slug X soundtrack in vinyl format!1. The Military...
Capcom Vs Snk / O.S.T. Capcom Vs Snk / O.S.T. CD1. Opening 2. Player Select 1 3. Stage of Ryu 4. Stage of Sagat 5. Stage of Finalfight 6. Stage of Capcom 7. Stage of Terry 8. Stage of Paopao 9. Stage...
Way? Records and SNK Corporation are pleased to announce their first collaboration project! For the coming of the new Samurai Shodown game from the legendary fighting game series, we are proud to...