So Frenchy So Chic is the unofficial soundtrack to the 2007 French Film Festival. The festival itself gathers 50,000 people every year and presents over 20 new films, documentaries and short film...
So Frenchy So Chic: Best Of / Various So Frenchy So Chic: Best Of / Various CD1. Cannes - Barbara Carlotti 2. La Certitude - Fran Oiz Breut 3. Qui de Nous Deux - M 4. Tu M'intrigues - General...
So Frenchy So Chic 2015 / Various So Frenchy So Chic 2015 / Various CD1. CL a Vincent - Retiens Mon D Sir 2. Feu! Chatterton - la Malinche 3. Boogers - Running in the Flame 4. La F Line - la Fum E...