Airing Saturday nights on NBC over 1950-1954-and regarded as the benchmark for TV variety programming for a generation after that-this 90-minute live showcase offered up musical performances, special...
It's time to raise the curtain on THE MUPPET SHOW! Join Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, the Swedish Chef, and more in the first season of this groundbreaking twist on the classic Variety Show...
From the unique mind of Nick Kroll comes a new sketch series, KROLL SHOW, satirizing our television obsessed culture and the rabid fan base it breeds. More than just a collection of sketches, KROLL...
The Patty Duke Show aired on ABC beginning September 18, 1963. It featured the misadventures of a pair of identical cousins, Patty Lane - a normal American teenager living in Brooklyn Heights, New...