Walter (Nicolas Cage) and his neglected wife lure a young man into their Victorian home to escape a hurricane. When the man is charged with murder by Det. Jones (Kelsey Grammar), he must reveal the...
In the near-future Japanese metropolis of Megasaki, pet dogs have been scapegoated for a flu outbreak, and banished to an island garbage dump. Young orphan Atari (voiced by Koyu Rankin), nephew of...
Ten years ago, an Army research post on a remote tropical island was decimated by a strange new virus. Now, a team of SEALs on a recon mission has gone missing on the island. When a Strike team...
The curse of the evil Mermaid is an old legend surrounding a lake in a small town that many thought was fiction, but when four friends tempt their fate and conjure the demons of the lake, they learn...
Reuniting with director Rob Reiner from the hit film, THE BUCKET LIST, Freeman plays Monte Wildhorn, a famous Western novelist whose struggle with alcoholism has sapped his passion for writing. He...