This comprehensive collection of Max Fleischer cartoon masterpieces presents over 30 rarely seen Technicolor animated shorts, produced during the golden age of animation. Fleischer created the "Color Classics," a twisted collection of musical cartoons, to showcase his patented "Stereo-optical Process" that created the illusion of depth by animating his characters over three-dimensional, live action backgrounds. In this special digital picture and sound restoration, you'll discover a menagerie of wonderfully bizarre new characters and a massive dose of the Fleischers' surreal humor. Highlights include "Greedy Humpty Dumpty," "The Cobweb Hotel," "Ants in the Plants," and "The Fresh Vegetable Mystery." Featured are two Academy Award Cartoon Short Subject nominees - "Educated Fish" (1937) and "Hunky and Spunky" (1938) - as well as famed Fleischer femme fatale Betty Boop ("Poor Cinderella") and Grampy ("Christmas Comes But Once a Year"), and a potpourri of great song cartoons such as "Dancing on the Moon," "Hold It," "An Elephant Never Forgets," and "Small Fry." This collection is a dream come true for cartoon aficionados and Fleischer fanatics, young and old alike! Animated characters: BETTY BOOP, GRAMPY, HUMPTY DUMPTY, HUNKY and SPUNKY and more!
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