Peter (Hugh Jackman) finds his already-hectic life upended when his ex-wife (Laura Dern) appears to discuss their teenage son, Nicholas (Zen McGrath), who has been missing school for months and is...
A wild and surreal outer space adventure. A mid-80s mash-up of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, ALIEN, and Edgar Rice Burrough's TARZAN. In the year 6470, a husband and wife team of explorers receive a...
Harry & Son director Paul Newman (The Sting) stars as Harry Keach, a widowed, blue collar, by-the-book construction worker whose less-than-ideal relationship with his sensitive, daydreaming son,...
In 1978, actor/director Sammo Hung gave Hong Kong audiences the Wing Chun crash course of Warriors Two, while his next directorial effort, 1979's Knockabout, gave Yuen Biao the chance to shine as...