East West explores musical landscapes from the European and American parts of the globe, resulting in a kind of travel journal that begins in Eastern Europe and then travels westward Duo Aliada is...
Songs Of Protest / Various Songs Of Protest / Various CD1. Where Have All the Flowers Gone?- Pete Seeger - Pete Seeger 2. All My Trials- Joan Baez - Joan Baez 3. This Land Is Your Land- Woody Guthrie...
Navajo Songs / Various Navajo Songs / Various CD1. Yeibichei Song: Talking God's Song 2. Yeibichei Song: Calling God's Song 3. Yeibichei Song 4. Yeibichei Song 5. Yeibichei Song 6. Yeibichei Song 7...
Animal Songs / Various Animal Songs / Various CD1. Down on Grandpa's Farm 2. The First Grasshopper 3. Kookaburra 4. Alice the Camel 5. Teddy Bear's Picnic 6. Six Little Ducks 7. Little Bunny Foo Foo...
Song For You / Various Song For You / Various CD1. If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys 2. My Love Is Your Love - Whitney Houston 3. You Raise Me Up - Westlife 4. Wherever You Will Go - the Calling 5...