Action-packed sixth chapter in the Ultraman saga follows Kotaro Higashi, a member of the Earth defense organization Zariba of All Territory, who perishes in a battle with attacking alien monsters...
The crustal movement and the abnormal climate had occurred repeatedly on a global scale and dormant monsters started to awaken from sleep. A young man named Hideki Go, who was chasing his dream to be...
Hayata, the Beta Capsule! It's the original 1966-67 "Ultraman" series, the UHF favorite in which ace pilot Hayata uses his Beta Capsule to become the giant alien superhero Ultraman, so that he and...
Wherever he goes and whatever he's up against, Sonic the Hedgehog is aided by his sidekick, Tails, and his friends Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks and, of course, attacked by his arch nemesis, Dr. Eggman.
Wherever he goes and whatever he's up against Sonic the Hedgehog is aided by his sidekick, Tails, and his friends Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks and, of course, attacked by his arch nemesis - Dr. Eggman.