Middle-school music teacher Joe Gardner (voiced by Jamie Foxx) landed his dreamed-of gig with a legendary jazz band-and then promptly stepped into an open manhole. While comatose in the hospital, his...
In Hell's Kitchen of the late '70s, with their Irish mobster husbands sent away by the feds, three women (Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, and Elisabeth Moss) found that their only way forward...
Based on the 1947 classic of the same name, this "entertaining" (New York Times) rags-to-riches tale about a vivacious young fighter from Chicago pulls no punches in it's portrayal of boxing's dark...
When a group of students decide to return to their former high school, they find the school's history as a former Japanese army military laboratory during World War II has caught up to them. When...
Blu-ray/DVD Combo. SOUL SURFER is the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through...