Limbo is an unexpected comedy about following a dream, no matter where it takes you. The story is set on a fictional remote Scottish island where a group of new refugees await the results of their...
After starring in 100 movies over the past two decades, Tina Krause has established herself as an unstoppable warrior from the DIY fringes. LIMBO is the first - and to this day, only - movie written...
In the spring of 2019 ShitKid - ?sa S?derqvist and Lina Molarin Ericsson - headed over to the US for a couple of shows at the SXSW festival in Austin, TX but ahead of the festival they managed to...
In the spring of 2019 ShitKid - ?sa S?derqvist and Lina Molarin Ericsson - headed over to the US for a couple of shows at the SXSW festival in Austin, TX but ahead of the festival they managed to...