Middle-school music teacher Joe Gardner (voiced by Jamie Foxx) landed his dreamed-of gig with a legendary jazz band-and then promptly stepped into an open manhole. While comatose in the hospital, his...
Collegiate track star Mike Bolton (Phillips Holmes) has a secret - his father is a convicted killer! Eighteen years ago, Mike's father John (Grant Mitchell) killed his brother's murderer and went to...
Director Questlove's critically acclaimed debut as a filmmaker is set to hit your own shelves or digital library with the release of Summer of Soul on Digital and DVD on February 8th, 2022. -...
College freshman Cassandra "Cassie" (Melissa Sagemiller) steps into a nightmare of otherworldly visitations after surviving a devastating car accident. Haunted by a grim reaper of a far different...
When Kevin Burke, a young, ambitious security agent employed by a powerful multinational banking firm, finally secures an important promotion on the company's top internal security team, he has...