Sounds Of Nature Sound Encyclopaedia Of Birds Of Asia 198 Species CD

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Sounds Of Nature Sound Encyclopaedia Of Birds Of Asia 198 Species CD

1. Ap Gris (Apostlebird) 2. Cacatohuppe Juane (Sulphur Crested Cockatoo) 3. Cacatorosalbin (Galah) 4. Calao Papou (Blyth's Hornbill) 5. Carillonneur Huppcrested Bellbird) 6. Carpophage de Zobanded Imperial Pigeon) 7. Cassican Orge Noire (Pied Butcherbird) 8. Cassican Noire (Black-Headed Butcher Bird) 9. Cassican FL (Australian Magpie) 10. Cassican FL Os Blanc (White-Backed Magpie) 11. Corbeau Du DRT (Little Crow) 12. Coucou Plaintif (Plaintive Cuckoo) 13. Pitohui Chin (Rufous Shrike Thrush) 14. Drongo de Nouvelle-Irlande (Spangled Drongo) 15. Paradisier de Meyer (Brown Sicklebill) 16. Gralline Pie (Mudlark) 17. Grand Rilleur (Pied Currawong) 18. Jardinier Oreillard (Spotted Carbird) 19. Loriquet Bleue (Rainbow Lorikeet) 20. Martin-Chasseur de Gaudichaud (Rufous-Bellied Giant Kingfisher) 21. Martin-Chasseur GT (Laughing Kookaburra) 22. Mlure de Mathews (Rufous Song-Lark) 23. Mphage Avette (Spiny-Cheeked Honeyeater) 24. Mphage Ourcils Noirs (Bell Miner) 25. Mphage de Belford (Belford's Melidectes) 26. Mre D'albert (Albert's Lyrebird) 27. Mre Superbe (Superb Lyrebird) 28. Miro Capito (Pale-Yellow Robin) 29. Nitte Vari (Varied Sittella) 30. Ninox Brune (Brown Owl) 31. Orthonyx de Spalding (Chowchilla) 32. Orthonyx de Temminck (Spine-Talled Logrunner) 33. Paradiser Bleu (Blue Bird of Paradise) 34. Paradisier de Raggi (Raggianna Bird of Paradise) 35. Paradisier Du Prince Albert (King of Saxony Bird of Paradise) 36. Paradisier Superbe (Superb Bird of Paradise) 37. Perruche de Pennant (Crimson Rosella) 38. Phasianelle D'ambione (Brown Pigeon) 39. Ptilinope Magnifique (Wompoo Pigeon) 40. Pitohui Gris (Grey Shrike-Trush) 41. Pitohui Chatain (Rufous Shrike-Thrush) 42. Polochion Casqutimor Helmeted Friarbird) 43. Pomatostome Alotte Grise (Grey-Crowned Babbler) 44. Psophode Noire (Eastern Whipbird) 45. Rhipidure Ollier (Grey Fantail) 46. Sericone Robuste (Mountain Mouse Warbler) 47. Siffleur Dorgolden Whistler) 48. Vanneau Soldat (Masked Plover) 49. Akalat a Calotte Brune (Brown-Cappled Blabber) - Anthony Walker 50. Alouette Gulgule (Oriental Skylark) 51. Alouette Monicole (Bismaculated Lark) 52. Barbu Ouronne Rouge (Crimson-Fronted Barbet) - Anthony Walker 53. Barbu Brune (Brown-Headed Barbet) - Anthony Walker 54. Barbu Grivelgreen-Eared Barbet) 55. Barbu Raylineated Barbet) 56. Bulbul Oues Blanches (Himalayan Bulbul) 57. Bulbul Ourcils Blancs (White-Browed Bulbul) - Anthony Walker 58. Bulbul Entre Rouge (Red-Vented Bulbul) 59. Bulbul Chevelu (Hairy-Backed Bulbul) 60. Calkcao Bicorne (Great Hornbill) 61. Calcao de Ceylan (Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill) - Anthony Walker 62. Chevette Os Marron (Chestnut-Backed Owl) - Anthony Walker 63. Chevette de Jungle (Jungle Owl) - Anthony Walker 64. Coq de Lafayette (Sri Lanka Junglefowl) - Anthony Walker 65. Coucou Ervier (Large Hawk-Cuckoo) 66. Coucou Koel (Asian Koel) - Anthony Walker 67. Coucou Surnicou (Drongo Cuckoo) - Anthony Walker 68. Drongo Entre (White-Bellied Drongo) - Anthony Walker 69. Drongo Brillant (Black Drongo) 70. Echenilleur de MacLarge Cuckoo-Shrike) - Anthony Walker 71. Engoulevent Indien (Indian Nightjar) 72. Ourneau Pie (Asian Pied Starling) 73. Francolin Noir (Black Francolin) 74. Galloperdix de Ceylan (Sri Lanka Spurfowl) - Anthony Walker 75. Gobemouche de Ceylan (Dull-Blue Flycatcher) - Anthony Walker 76. Cobemouche de Tickell (Tickell's Blue Flycatcher) - Anthony Walker 77. Grand Coucal (Greater Coucal) - Anthony Walker 78. Grive Iles Tachet (Spot-Winged Thrush) - Anthony Walker 79. Grue Antigone (Sarus Crane) 80. Jacana Bronzbronze-Winged Jacana) 81. Loriot Apuchon Noir (Black-Hooded Oriole) - Anthony Walker 82. Mainate de Ceylan (Sri Lanka Myna) - Anthony Walker 83. Martin Triste (Common Myna) 84. Martin-Chasseur de Smyrne (White-Throated Kingfish) 85. Martin-Chasseur Gurial (Stork-Billed Kingfisher_ - Anthony Walker 86. Paon Bleu (Indian Peafowl) 87. Perruche Prune (Plum-Headed Parakeet) - Anthony Walker 88. Perruche Alexandrea (Alexandrine Parakeet) - Anthony Walker 89. Perruche de Layard (Layard's Parakeet) - Anthony Walker 90. Petit Iora (Common Iora) - Anthony Walker 91. Pirolle de Ceylan (Sri Lanka Blue Magpie) - Anthony Walker 92. Poullot Ros Bec (Large-Billed Leaf Warbler) - Anthony Walker 93. Pouillot de Caucase (Yellowish-Breasted Warbler) - Anthony Walker 94. Prinia de Hodgson (Grey-Breasted Prinia) - Anthony Walker 95. Rhipidure Rands Sourcils (White-Browed Fantail) - Anthony Walker 96. Shama Roupin Blanc (White-Rumped Shama) - Anthony Walker 97. Spatule Blanche (Eurasian Spoonbill) 98. Tadorne Casarca (Ruddy Shelduck) 99. Vanneau Indien (Red-Wattled Lapwing) 100. Alouette Leuopt (White-Winged Lark) 101. Bulbul Ros Bec (Crested Finchbill) 102. Bulbul D'asie (Black Bulbul) 103. Bulbul Goiavier (Yellow-Vented Bulbul) 104. Chevalier Stagnatile (Marsh Sandpiper) 105. Corbeau Ros Bec (Large-Billed Crow) 106. Coucou Indien (Indian Cuckoo) 107. Coucou Oriental (Oriental Coucou) 108. Drongo Rini (Spangled Drongo) 109. Engoulevent Jokata (Grey Nightjar) 110. Faucon Kobez (Amur Falcon) 111. Garrulaxe Hoamy (Hwamei Laughing Thrush) 112. Gobemouche Des Collines (Hill Blue Flycatcher) 113. Gobemouche Sundara (Niltava Sundara) 114. Guifette Leucopt (White-Winged Tern) 115. Loriot de Chine (Black-Naped Oriole) 116. Pirolle Ec Rouge (Red-Billed Blue Magpie) 117. Pouillot Rands Sourcils (Yellow-Browed Warbler) 118. Prinia Orge Noire (Hill Prinia) 119. Syrrhapte Paradoxal (Pallas's Sandgrouse) 120. Tarrier Gris (Grey Bushchat) 121. Akalat D'abbott (Abbott's Babbler) 122. Barbu Alotte Bleue (Blue-Eared Barbet) 123. Timalie Orge Moire (Black-Throated Babbler 124. Barbu Ollier (Fire-Tufted Barbet) 125. Barbu Lastron Rouge (Coppersmith Barbet) 126. Barbu Bigarrred-Crowned Barbet) 127. Bulbul Cap-Ne (Black-Headed Bulbul) 128. Bulbul Orph (Red-Whiskered Bulbul) 129. Calcao Pie (Oriental Pied Hornbill) 130. Calcao Rhinocs (Rhinoceros Hornbill) 131. Chevette Ollier (Collared Owlet) 132. Chevette Cuculoide (Asian Barred Owlet) 133. Coq Bankiva (Red Junglefowl) 134. Couturi Ougue Queue (Common Tailorbird) 135. Couturi Ol Noir (Dark-Necked Tailorbird) 136. Drongo Ames (Lesser Racket-Tailed Drongo) 137. Drongo Aquettes (Greater Racket-Tailed Drongo) 138. Engoulevent de Horsfield (Large-Tailed Nightjar) 139. Engoulevent Oreillard (Great Earned Nightjar) 140. Garrulaxe Uppe Blanche (White-Crested Laughingthrush) 141. Geai Iles Blanches (Black Magpie) 142. Ir Vierge (Asian Fairy-Bluebird) 143. Mainate Religieux (Hill Myna) 144. Petite Brachypt (Lesser Shortwing) 145. Petit-Duc Ollier (Collared Scops Owl) 146. Petit-Duc Scops (Common Scops Owl) 147. Pic Os Rouge (Common Golden-Backed Woodpecker) 148. Carpophage Pauline (Green Imperial Pigeon) 149. Shama Dayal (Magpie Robin) 150. Timalie Orge Noire (Black-Throated Babbler) 151. Timalie Orge Stri (Striped Tit-Babbler) 152. Bouscarle Chanteuse (Bush Warbler) 153. Bruant Ongue Queue (Siberian Meadow Bunting) 154. Bruant de Japon (Japanese Yellow Bunting) 155. Bruant Masqublack-Faced Bunting) 156. Bulbul Reillons Bruns (Brown-Eared Bulbul) 157. Geai de Lidth (Lidth's Jay) 158. Gobemouche M+Narcisse (Narcissus Flycatcher) 159. Gond Ueue Noire (Black-Tailed Gull) 160. Grive D'amami (Amami Thrush) 161. Grive Dor (White's Thrush) 162. Gros-Bec Masqujapanese Grosbeck) 163. Locustelle Fasci (Gray's Grasshopper Warbler) 164. Marcareux Rhinocs (Rhinoseros Auklet) 165. Martin-Chasseur Violet (Ruddy Kingfisher) 166. Merle Lancs Roux (Brown Thrush) 167. Merle Du Japon (Gray Thrush) 168. Petit Duc NT (Ryukyu Scops Owl) 169. Pic Os Blanc (White-Backed Woodpecker) 170. Pouillot Couronntemminck's Crowned Willow Warbler) 171. Pouillot Due Japon (Pale-Legged Warbler) 172. Rossignol Bleu (Siberian Blue Robbin) 173. Calliope Sibenne (Siberian Rubythroat) 174. Rossignol Komadori (Ryukyu Robin) 175. Tchitrec Du Japon (Black Paradise Flycatcher) 176. Akalat Des Cbes (Sulawesi Babbler) 177. Alcippe Brun (Brown Fulvetta) 178. Barbu Arlequin (Gaudy Barbet) 179. Bouscarle D'indone (MS Bush Warbler) 18

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