The Peyote Dance, by Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith, is the first in a triptych of albums, collectively titled The Perfect Vision, to be released over the next year. Each take their...
A sonic cross-continental experience, Mummer Love is the second album in the Perfect Vision triptych collaboration between Soundwalk Collective and Patti Smith. For this body of work, Soundwalk...
2020 release. The sounds of Himalayan winds, sacred mantras and water rippling in the holy river Ganges, invite us to Peradam, the transcendent album by Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith. After...
A sonic cross-continental experience, Mummer Love is the second album in the Perfect Vision triptych collaboration between Soundwalk Collective and Patti Smith. For this body of work, Soundwalk...
Soundwalk Collective & Jesse Paris Smith Featuring Patti Smith1. Killer Road 2. My Heart Is Empty 3. Evening of Light 4. Saeta 5. Secret Side 6. Fearfully in Danger 7. I Will Be Seven 8. The...