With Pluto's Crossing, British composer Andrew Sparrow traces the near century long odyssey. It follows on from Chiaroscuro Suite with another set of captivating pieces written to commemorate the...
Pitty Chiaroscuro CD1. 8 Ou 80 2. Me Adora 3. Medo 4. Gua Contida 5. S Agora 6. Fracasso 7. Desconstruindo Am Lia 8. Trap Zio 9. Rato Na Roda 10. A Sombra 11. Todos Est O Mudos
When Torbjorn Iwan Lundquist in 1962 was asked to compose the music score for the screen adaptation of Selma Lagerlof's Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige (Adventures of Nils Holgersson),...