Special Effects (Blu-ray) Directed by: Larry Cohen - From the writer & director of It's Alive, Larry Cohen's Special Effects casts a satirical eye on Hollywood, viewed through the prism of the horror film genre. When the fresh-faced Oklahoma country boy Keefe (Brad Rijn, Smithereens) comes looking for his wife Mary Jean (Zoe Tamerlis, Ms.45), a wannabe actress, he soon discovers the seamy side of Tinsel Town when Mary Jean is found dead and he's the prime suspect. - With a few swipes at Hollywood archetypes (Eric Bogosian as Christopher Neville, a once-revered Wunderkind director; Zoe Tamerlis as Mary Jean look-alike, Elaine, a budding actress who isn't beyond manipulating the situation for her own benefit), Special Effects offers chills, thrills, shrieks, and a few laughs along the way. - Written and directed by Larry Cohen, Special Effects also stars Kevin O'Connor (Let's Scare Jessica to Death) and Richard Greene (TV's Mad Men) in supporting roles. - Actors: Zoe Tamerlis, Eric Bogosian, Brad Rijn, Kevin O'connor
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