In a world where Brooklyn teen Miles Morales (voiced by Shameik Moore) got that fateful radioactive spider bite-and the mantle of Spider-Man-the use of a particle accelerator by the Kingpin (Liev...
Karin Dor, Joachim Fuchsberger, Horst Frank. One of the most sought-after Edgar Wallace films. A mysterious master detective, whose face is never seen, tries to stop a massive plot against the free...
A geeky high school student is bitten by a genetically enhanced spider and gains superhero powers that mimic the strengths of a spider. Now, Peter Parker can climb walls and spin spiderwebs, but he...
Female journalist Arezoo Rahimi (Zar Amir-Ebrahimi, White Paradise) travels to the Iranian holy city of Mashhad to investigate a serial killer targeting sex workers. As she draws closer to exposing...
As her roommate Lisa prepares to move out of their apartment, Mara contemplates the end of an era. Furniture is moved, walls painted, cupboards built. Amid all the hustle and bustle, secret longings...