Taking a Catskills cabin to write in isolation, wannabe fright filmmaker Fred Banks (Josh Ruben, who wrote and directed) delightedly discovered that his neighbor was the popular horror novelist Fanny...
In this atomic adaptation of Mickey Spillane's novel, directed by Robert Aldrich (WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE?, THE DIRTY DOZEN), the good manners of the 1950s are blown to smithereens. Ralph...
In the 1950s, noted New York saxophonist Dale Turner (Dexter Gordon) was losing his battles with substance abuse, and sought a needed change of scenery in Paris. Befriended by a local fan, graphic...
Simon Pegg stars as a jaded, somewhat demented, hit-man that interwines three tales of murder, mayhem, blackmail, and revenge when the assassin realizes he isn't the only one with his target in the...
Denis Leary executive produces and stars in this raw and darkly comic FX series about a seasoned New York City firefighter troubled by the pressures of the job, the break-up of his marriage, and the...