Every 27 years, the otherwise nondescript town of Derry, Maine, finds itself stalked by a monstrous, sewer-lurking circus clown who lures trusting children to unholy demises. With the local adults...
In the third knockout drama, heavyweight champ Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) suffers a devastating defeat at the hands of mohawked club boxer Clubber Lang (Mr. T). With some unlikely help from...
Slapstick fun mixes with action in this third entry that finds Clark Kent (Christopher Reeve) returning to his hometown of Smallville and going up against a computer whiz (Richard Pryor) who's been...
After dominating the boxing world, Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) has been thriving in both his career and family life. When a childhood friend and former boxing prodigy, Damian (Jonathan Majors),...
William Peter Blatty, author of the original "The Exorcist," scripted and directed this all-new shocker of demonic possession. An executed serial killer (Brad Dourif) has come back to resume his...