Gaspare Spontini's "Le Metamorfosi di Pasquale," was premiered in Venice in 1802. This one-act farce, on a libretto by Giuseppe Foppa was to be his last work for the Italian stage. After it's debut,...
After his Neapolitan training Gaspare Spontini settled in Paris for a few years, where he was nominated "compositeur particulier de la chambre" of Empress Josephine, Napoleon's wife. It was indeed...
?Guilty of allowing the sacred fire to go out while declaring her love to the general Licinius, the Vestal Virgin Julia is sentenced to be buried alive. But her execution is averted by a divine...
Parma native Ferdinando Paer, who wrote more than 50 operas, composed Agnese in 1809 for a private entertainment and a company of amateur singers. In 1824, with a few changes to the score, this opera...