A masterful collaboration between Paul Weston and Jo Stafford, as Weston's Copland-esque arrangements create the perfect musical setting for Jo's transfixing interpretations of these American folk...
Folk Songs of the American Longhair (2010) is Brother Dege's now critically-acclaimed debut album - a record that Quentin Tarantino later referred to as "like a greatest hits album" of new Delta...
Jo recorded this bonnie set of Robert Burns songs in 1953, with arrangements by husband Paul Weston. Includes My Heart's in the Highlands; Ye Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon; Comin' Through the Rye;...
Limited translucent yellow colored vinyl LP pressing. One voice, one guitar, one tranquilized trip. Isaacson's voice is rich and warm, with hints of weary and optimism. His delivery, reminiscent of...