This acclaimed and popular fact-based ITV procedural taken from the memoirs of real-life London DCI Colin Sutton offers a compelling central performance from Martin Clunes as Sutton, as he...
As nervy as it is hilarious, this screwball masterpiece from Ernst Lubitsch (TROUBLE IN PARADISE) stars Jack Benny (THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM) and, in her final screen appearance, Carole Lombard (MY MAN...
The brilliant and controversial NAKED, from director Mike Leigh (TOPSY-TURVY), stars David Thewlis (HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN) as Johnny, a charming and eloquent but relentlessly...
The dazzling sophomore film from Wes Anderson (FANTASTIC MR. FOX) is equal parts coming-of-age story, French New Wave homage, and screwball comedy. Tenth grader Max Fischer (THE DARJEELING LIMITED...