In this slick, high-stakes action-adventure, the world's top thieves the infamous and charismatic Zhang Dan (Andy Lau), his former partner in crime, Chen Xiao-Po (Yo Yang), and beautiful chameleon...
The gorgeous Virginie (Hafsia Herzi) had come to face her life servicing wealthy johns as a high-end call girl in London with matter-of-fact acceptance. She thought she'd encountered a bright spot...
Highlighted by stunning production numbers and unforgettable 1950s fashions, this musical remake of "The Women" stars June Allyson as a jaded wife and mother who learns that her hubby has had an...
By the early '70s, law professor Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Felicity Jones) was all too familiar, in spite of her academic excellence, with professional hurdles stemming from her gender. She was steered to...
Julio Medem's erotically charged drama centers on Luc?a (Paz Vega), a Madrid waitress who, after her novelist boyfriend Lorenzo is killed in an accident, seeks solace on an isolated Mediterranean...