Spun from the second season of "Star Trek Discovery," and set in the same time frame predating the original series, this applauded effort follows Capt. Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) as he helms the...
Patrick Stewart reprises his role as legendary Starfleet officer Jean-Luc Picard in this exciting sci-fi adventure series that aired on Paramount+ (originally CBS All Access) from 2020-2023. Picard...
After answering a distress signal from the U.S.S. Enterprise, the U.S.S. Discovery welcomes aboard Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) and begins a new mission to investigate the meaning behind...
Spun from the second season of "Star Trek Discovery," and set in the same time frame predating the original series, this applauded effort follows Capt. Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) as he helms the...