Following the rescue of Han Solo from gangster Jabba the Hutt, the Rebel Alliance enlists the aid of the teddy bear-like Ewoks in a desperate last stand against the Empire, while full-fledged Jedi...
Following the rescue of Han Solo from gangster Jabba the Hutt, the Rebel Alliance enlists the aid of the teddy bear-like Ewoks in a desperate last stand against the Empire, while full-fledged Jedi...
Digitally remastered edition. Original soundtrack to the 1983 motion picture. The Return of the Jedi score was recorded at the Abbey Road Studios in January and February 1983. Again, John Williams...
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a galaxy of fleshed-out worlds that aims to surpass it's predecessor in every way. The numerous spectacles I witnessed within my three hours playing Respawn...
As an emboldened First Order runs the forces of the Resistance to ground, determined Rey (Daisy Ridley) manages to flush a reticent Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) from secluded retirement. Will his...