Kay Starr is one of the enduring and iconic female vocalists of the classic big band and '50s era, and she retains a substantial fan base who admire not only her distinctive voice but her renowned...
Kay Starr is one of the enduring and iconic female vocalists of the classic big band and '50s era,, and she retains a substantial fan base who admire not only her distinctive voice but her renowned...
Tracks include "Always," "Freak-A-Ristic," "Secret Lovers," "My First Love," "Masterpiece," "Circles" and many more.1. Always 2. When Love Call (Single Version) 3. Secret Lovers (Single Version) 4...
The beginnings of a great career can be found on this Kay Starr album. Her time spent with Charlie Barnet and his orchestra and Les Paul and his trio fill in majority of the first disc. Whereas the...
Kay Starr was one of the coterie of stylish and striking female vocalists alongside the likes of Rosemary Clooney and Patti Page, who enjoyed their real chart heyday during the years between the...