Bette Midler exploded onto the screen with her take-no-prisoners performance in this quintessential film about fame and addiction from director Mark Rydell (On Golden Pond). Midler is the...
Long ago in Galilee, a plucky donkey named Bo (voiced by Steven Yeun) fled the mill where he was mercilessly worked, and was given shelter by an expectant mother named Mary (Gina Rodriguez). He'd be...
Scuffling horticulturist Eve Vernet (Catherine Frot) was determined to keep the family nursery afloat, even in the face of cutting-edge competitors looking to buy her out. Initially dismissive when...
Lisa Hartman avenges the death of the man she loved in this fiery tale of passion and hate, costarring Bruce Dern, Betty Buckley and Howard Duff and based on the bestselling novel by Jonell Lawson...
Who, in the name of God, is getting away with murder? That's the question puzzling Franciscan monk William of Baskerville (Sean Connery) in this absorbing medieval mystery. As Brother William and his...