Originally aired as a television mini-series, this all-star filmization of Stephen King's gripping epic of good versus evil chronicles the episodic adventures of a disparate group of people who...
Based on the best-seller, Stephen King'sThinner stars Robert John Burke (RoboCop 3, Tombstone) and Joe Mantegna (Bugsy, The Godfather III) in a story of supernatural terror and account down to the...
Jack Torrance (Steven Weber) and his family (Rebecca de Mornay and Courtland Mead) move into the sprawling, vacant Overlook Hotel to get away from it all. Away from the alcoholism that derails Jack's...
Ten passengers on a red-eye flight from L.A. to Boston discover that they are not the only people on the plane, but after making an emergency landing in Bangor, Maine, they discover that they are the...