Matthew Broderick stars in the outrageous comedy Out on a Limb. When hotshot Manhattan stockbroker Bill Campbell (Broderick) receives a call for help from his younger sister, who is convinced her...
Kevin Corcoran, Bob Sweeney, Gene Sheldon. A young boy who mistakenly believes that his family no longer wants him decides to run away with the circus-with the help of a precocious chimpanzee named...
Matthew Broderick stars in the outrageous comedy Out on a Limb. When hotshot Manhattan stockbroker Bill Campbell (Broderick) receives a call for help from his younger sister, who is convinced her...
All seven of the multitalented author's plays are featured here, including MADEA'S FAMILY REUNION, MADEA GOES TO JAIL, I CAN DO BAD ALL BY MYSELF, WHY DID I GET MARRIED?, MEET THE BROWNS, DIARY OF a...