2007 release, the eighth installment of this continuing series that features rare archival recordings from the late Billy Fury, the UK's finest homegrown Rock 'N' Roll talent, who dominated the...
Limited 2008 hand-numbered edition, coinciding with the 25th Anniversary of the death of this British Pop star. This CD contains rarities and demos from Fury and shows a side of Billy's recording and...
Two CD collection focusing on the many special and sought-after versions of tracks from everyone's favorite Anglo-Trinidadian pop superstar, Billy Ocean. This set features 23 special and sought-after...
When debating the birth of British rock 'n' roll, scholars will undoubtedly discuss the merits of Marty Wilde, Cliff Richard and Billy Fury... Oft-overlooked however is the huge contribution made by...
Hit Songs and Rarities is a Wiggles collection. It includes songs from the past 21 years and including some that are considerably rare, as well as two The Wiggles Radio Show episodes.1. Rock-A-Bye...