William Friedkin directs this action-packed thriller based on the novel by former U.S. Secret Service agent Gerald Petievich. When his partner is killed while investigating Los Angeles-based...
Skin-filled gorefest from Italy finds the comatose, telekinetically-endowed Patrick (Gianni Dei) a guinea pig of his scientist father (Sacha Pito?ff). Evidently, dad's plan involves using his son's...
Loosely based on the director's own family and upbringing, Distant Voices, Still Lives presents an evocative account of working-class life in Liverpool, England during the 1940s and 50s. Births,...
The original queen of crossover Country-Pop and the world's best-selling female country artist of all time, Shania Twain, stars in her spectacular show 'Shania: Still The One'. This groundbreaking...