Stockhausen,Markus / Quadrivium Far Into The Stars CD1. Far into the Stars 2. Encoer 3. Our Father 4. Passacaglia 5. Kult 6. Choral am Ende der Reise 7. Freigeist 8. Warmlicht 9. Schnee von heute
Stockhausen / Wyttenbach,Janka & Jurg Stockhausen: Mantra CD1. Introduction Et "Thme"-Formule 2. Rptition Rgulire 3. Accent la Fin 4. Normal 5. Appoggiature Autour de la Note Centrale 6. Tremolo...
The performers in Kurzwellen react to the completely unforeseeable events which they receive on short-wave radios while performing on their instruments. But this is not improvisation. Stockhausen's...