A young Brooke Shields meets an untimely end in this religious-themed proto slasher par excellence from director Alfred Sole. On the day of her first communion, young Karen (Brooke Shields) is...
Alice Cooper pioneered a grandly theatrical brand of hard rock that was designed to shock. Drawing equally from horror movies, vaudeville, and garage rock, the group was also famous for their...
When Jacky's grandmother, a renowned healer, suddenly passes away and a particularly compelling young woman with a mysterious rash arrives on his doorstep, he has no choice but to stay and try to...
Twenty-two massive hits on a single monster CD! Features such anthems as "School's Out," "No More Mr Nice Guy," "Eighteen," "Billion Dollar Babies," "Only Women Bleed" and many more!1. I'm Eighteen 2...
Japanese reissue. Universal. 2022.1. School's Out 4:24 2. Under My Wheels 3:39 3. I'm Eighteen 3:48 4. Desperado 4:11 5. Lost In America 4:15 6. Teenage Lament '74 3:28 7. I Never Cry 3:54 8. Poison...