The first film-noir directed by legendary filmmaker Anthony Mann (T-Men, the Naked Spur) a Marine sergeant (William Terry) stationed overseas falls in love with a woman only through correspondence...
A family's road trip takes a dangerous turn when they arrive at a secluded mobile home park to stay with relatives and find it mysteriously deserted. Under the cover of darkness, three masked...
What happens when you mix extraterrestrials, vampires, and lesbians? Find out with this twisted sci-fi Euroshocker about two female lovers who invite a mysterious man (who is, in fact, an alien...
This Academy Award-nominated thriller follows Franz Kindler (Orson Welles), a Nazi fugitive hiding out as a professor in a small Connecticut town. When his new wife (Loretta Young) begins to suspect...
Two disc set. Explore your worst fears imaginable with this shocking suspense thriller inspired by disturbing true events. After a 4 a.m. knock at the door and a haunting voice, Kristen McKay (Liv...