The last great father-figure of Western music was how Leonard Bernstein eulogized Igor Stravinsky in 1972 before his homage concert in London a year after the composer's death. Stravinsky's works, he...
Stravinsky / Atamian Rite Of Spring CD1. The Rite of Spring: Part 1 - Introduction 2. V: Part 1 - the Augurs of Spring 3. The Rite of Spring: Ritual of Abduction 4. The Rite of Spring: Part 1 -...
Stravinsky / Roland Rite Of Spring CD1. Primere Partie: L'adoration de la Terre 2. Seconde Partie: Le Sacrifice: Intro-Cercles Mysterieux de Adolescentes 3. Introduction. Danse de L'oiseau de Feu 4...