Stravinsky,Igor Late Music: Sensual Musical Radicalism CD

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4CD box set of the radical later music of Igor Stravinsky. In 1944 Stravinsky met 20-year old music student Robert Craft, forging a deep friendship and creative partnership that would prove to be decisive in determining the composer's musical direction. With his career at an impasse, Craft encouraged Stravinsky to re- evaluate the possibilities of 12-tone writing; introducing him to works by Schoenberg and Webern and to a generation of young composers with which he was scarcely familiar.

1. Selections from Orpheus Ballet RCA Symphony Orchestra / Igor Stravinsky 2. 1 Orpheus Weeps for Eurydice - Lento Sostenuto 3. 2 Air de Danse 4. Septet Columbia Chamber Orchestra / Igor Stravinsky 5. 3 Sonata Allegro 4 Passacaglia 5 Gigue 6. Agon Ballet Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra / Hans Rosbaud 7. 6 Pas-De-Quatre 7 Double Pas-De-Quartre 8 Triple 8. Pas-De-Quartre 9 Pr?lude 10 First Pas-De-Trois - Saraband Step 11 Gailliarde 12 Coda 1 13 Interlude 9. 14 Second Pas-De-Trois - Bransle Simple 15 10. Bransle Gay 16 Bransle Double 17 Interlude 2 18 11. Pas-De-Deux 19 Coda 2 20 Four Duos 21 Four Trios - Coda 12. Movements, for Piano and Orchestracolumbia 13. Symphony Orchestra: Charles Rosen (Piano) / Igor Stravinsky 14. 22 Eighth Note = 110 23 Quarter Note = 52 24 15. Eighth Note = 72 25 Eighth Note = 80 26 Eighth 16. Note = 104 17. For the Tombstone of Prince Max Egon Zu F?rstenberg 18. 27 Epitaphium 19. Raoul Dufy in Memoriam 20. 28 Double Canon 21. Monumentum Pro Gesualdo Di Venosa Ad CD Annum, for Chamber Ensemble 22. Columbia Symphony Orchestra / Igor Stravinsky 23. 29 Asciugate I Begli Occhi Madrigale XIV, Libro Quinto 24. 30 Ma Tu, Cagion Di Quella Madrigale XVIII, Libro Quinto 25. 31 Belta Poi Che T'assenti Madrigale II, Libro Sesto 26. Agon Ballet Los Angeles Festival Symphony Orchestra / Igor Stravinsky 27. 32 Pas-De-Quatre 33 Double Pas-De-Quartre 34 28. Triple Pas-De-Quartre 35 Pr?lude 36 First Pas-De- Trois - Saraband Step 37 Gailliarde 38 Coda 1 39 Interlude 1 40 Second Pas-De-Trois - Bransle Simple 41 Bransle Gay 42 Bransle Double 43 Interlude 2 29. 44 Pas-De-Deux 45 Coda 2 46 Four Duos 47 Four Trios - Coda 30. Mass 31. Columbia Symphony Woodwinds and Chorus / Igor Stravinsky 32. Kyrie 33. Gloria 34. Credo 35. Sanctus 36. Agnus Dei 37. Cantata 38. St. Anthony Singers, English Chamber Orchestra / Colin Davis 39. A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus 1 40. Ricercar 1 'The Maidens Came' 41. A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus 2 42. Ricercar 2 'To-Morrow Shall Be My Dancing Day' 43. A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus 3 44. Westron Wind 45. A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus 4 46. Canticum Sacrum 47. Orchestra of the Domain Musical / Robert Craft 48. Dedicato 49. Part I, Euntes in Mundum 50. Part II, Surge, Aquilo 51. Part III, Ad Tres Virtutes Hortationes 52. Part IV, Brevis Motus Cantilenae 53. Part V, Illi Autem Profecti 54. A Sermon, a Narrative and a Prayer 55. The Toronto Festival Singers CBC Symphony Orchestra / Igor Stravinsky 56. A Sermon 57. A Narrative 58. A Prayer 59. Anthem (The Dove Descending Breaks the Air) 60. The Toronto Festival Singers / Igor Stravinsky 61. Three Songs from William Shakespeare 62. Musick to Hear 63. Full Fathom Five 64. Spring 65. In Memoriam Dylan Thomas 66. Peter Pears (Tenor) Ensemble Conducted By Hans Rosbaud 67. Dirge-Canons (Prelude) 68. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night 69. Dirge-Canons (Postlude) 70. Threni 71. Schola Cantorum, Columbia Symphony Orchestra / Igor Stravinsky 72. Introduction: "Incipit Lamentatio Jeremiae 73. Prophetae" 74. De Elegia Prima: "Aleph. Quomodo Sedet Sola Civitas" - Diphona I: "Plorans Ploravit" - Diphona II: "Vide, Domino" 75. De Elegia Tertia: I Querimonia: "Aleph. Ego Vir Videns" - II Sensus Spei: "Heth. Misericordiae Domini" - III Solacium: "Res. Judicasti, Domine" 10 de Elegia Quinta: "Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae" 76. Requiem Canticles 77. Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra, Netherlands Chamber Choir / Bernard Haitink 78. 11 Prelude 12 "Exaudi" 13 "Dies Irae" 14 "Tuba 79. Mirum" 15 Interlude 16 "Rex Tremendae" 80. 17 "Lacrimosa" 18 "Libera Me" 19 Postlude 81. The Flood 82. A Musical Play Columbia Symphony Orchestra ; Chorus / Robert Craft 83. Prelude 84. Melodrama 85. The Building of the Ark 86. The Catalogue of the Animals 87. The Comedy 88. The Flood 89. The Covenant of the Rainbow 90. Maurice Ravel Boston Symphony Orchestra / New England Conservatory Alumni Chorus / Charles Munch 1 Invocation of the Nymphs from Daphnis Et Chlo? 91. Erik Satie 92. Sarabande No.2 Francis Poulenc (Piano) 93. Claude Debussy Orchestra of the Theatre National de L'opera de Paris / Manuel Rosenthal 94. Jeux (Games) - Po?me Dans? 95. Arnold Schoenberg Columbia Symphony Orchestra 4 Vergangenes (The Past) from Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 16 96. Anton Webern Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 10 Robert Craft Orchestra / Robert Craft 97. Archetype 98. Transformation 99. Return 100. Memory 101. Soul 102. Alban Berg Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra / Hans Rosbaud 103. Pr?ludium from Three Pieces for Orchestra 104. Op. 6 105. Pierre Boulez Instrumental Selections from Le Marteau Sans Ma?tre Conducted By Robert Craft 106. Avant L'artisanat Furieux 107. Commentaire II de Bourreaux de Solitude 108. Karlheinz Stockhausen Ensemble Conducted By Robert Craft 109. Zeitmasse for Five Woodwinds 110. Luigi Nono Orchestra of WDR Cologne / Bruno Maderna 14 Il Canto Sospeso (The Suspended Song): Orchestra 111. Luciano Berio Cathy Berberian (Voice) 112. Circles (Excerpt) 113. John Cage Maro Ajemian (Prepared Piano) 114. Sonata 1 from Sonatas and Interludes 115. Edgard Var?se Conducted By Robert Craft 116. Density 21.5 for Flute

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