A young girl learns to fight from watching TV and the fighters from the boxing school next door. When she finds a list of debtors in her ailing mother's diary, she sets upon a violent quest to...
Oscar-winner James Cagney (Yankee Doodle Dandy, White Heat) stars as a dentist in turn-of-the-century Brooklyn who marries out of spite when his childhood sweetheart is betrothed to his rival...
It's 2035, the government now taxes the content of your dreams, and straight-arrow auditor James Preble (Kentucker Audley) headed to the country home of red-flagged, eccentric elder Arabella Isadora...
The phone rings in the college president's office. A coed, one of many students in the room, picks up. "We're sorry, the president will not be in today. The university is under new management." Set...
After the bombing of his father's chocolate factory, a charming young Syrian refugee struggles to settle into his new Canadian small-town life, caught between following his dream to become a doctor...