Civil War veteran Alan Ladd roams the frontier with his young son, who has not spoken a word after a traumatic shock during the war, searching for a doctor who can cure him. Along the way, Ladd...
John Cassavetes' "Gloria" is re-imagined as a blaxploitation throwback starring Taraji P. Henson as Mary, a professional killer who works for a Boston crime family. When she encounters young Danny...
The Proud Family makes their DVD debut in an all-new, action-packed Disney Channel Original Movie. Penny Proud is almost 16 years old, but her dad, Oscar, still treats her like a child! Now instead...
This DVD features killer Cactus performance footage recorded in various cities throughout the band's 2006/07 tour. This incarnation of the band sees original members Carmine Appice, Tim Bogert and...