Tom Berenger, Kristen Hager, Paul Ben-Victor, Erica McDermott. A retired veteran finds himself mixed up in a web of deception and violence when he stumbles upon a dead body and a duffel bag of money...
Jean Reno, Sarah Lind, Joe Anderson. A former hit man and special forces sniper tries to find some peace in his life and moves to a remote cabin somewhere in North America near a small lake. One day...
Loosely based on Upton Sinclair's novel "Oil!," Paul Thomas Anderson's powerful drama stars Best Actor Oscar-winner Daniel Day-Lewis as self-made oil tycoon Daniel Plainview. As his quest for "black...
MMA star Gina Carano (HAYWIRE, FAST AND FURIOUS 6) stars as Ava, a trained fighter with a dark past in this intense action/thriller from director John Stockwell (BLUE CRUSH, CRAZY/BEAUTIFUL). When...
When a shocking murder is committed in their small town, the Fairburn brothers (Paul Bettany and Stephen Graham) are detectives who will do whatever it takes to catch the killer and try to live-up to...