Return to where the legend began! Sonic Unyon Records is thrilled to present the 25th anniversary vinyl reissue of Danko Jones' self-titled debut five-song EP. Remastered by Harry Hess and pressed on...
Elvin Jones - "Mr. Jones" In 1968, after six years with the seminal John Coltrane Quartet, the mighty drummer Elvin Jones signed with Blue Note Records, releasing 10 fantastic albums, including...
The album's bold creativity is contextualized by a well-crafted 10-song collection. "Do What You Want" opens the album with Laney's lone tenor guitar and intimate crooning: "What's the point of...
Besides selling 40 million albums and winning 9 Grammys in less than 10 years, over the years Norah Jones has collaborated with dozens and dozens of artists from across the spectrum of music. This...