The Super Mario Bros. Movie tells the story of two Brooklyn plumbers who are brothers and best friends: Mario, the brave one with the "let's-a go" attitude, and the perpetually anxious Luigi, who...
Star Koopa in a galaxy far, far away, the evil Darth Koopa has built a crazy contraption to destroy Mario Skywalker. Mario And the Beanstalk When the Mario Bros. Buy some magic garbanzo beans, they...
Loved by young fans of the Super Mario Bros video game, made with a huge budget and stellar cast, this sci-fi action thriller from 1993 has attained cult status for it's audacious script and special...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie tells the story of two Brooklyn plumbers who are brothers and best friends: Mario, the brave one with the "let's-a go" attitude, and the perpetually anxious Luigi, who...