Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and his brother Dean (Jensen Ackles) grow up believing that a supernatural event caused the untimely death of their mother. Raised to believe in the uncanny, the...
In the show's eleventh season, Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles) faced their greatest challenge yet: the all-powerful Darkness, better known as the sister of God. Freed...
How do you deal with a fallout of heavenly proportions? with the angelic Host's descent to Earth, Sam and Dean are now facing a world inhabited by thousands of powerful beings, who soon form their...
Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and his brother Dean (Jensen Ackles) grow up believing that a supernatural event caused the untimely death of their mother. Raised to believe in the uncanny, the...
The prize: ending the Apocalypse. The price: Sam's life. Season 5 horrific finale left Dean alone, as Sam descended into Hell. Now a different man, Dean vows to stop hunting and devote himself to...