Cody, Chicken Joe and Lani are back in their most epic adventure yet! The most radical surfing dream team, The Hang Five (voiced by WWE Superstars John Cena, Undertaker, Triple H, Paige and Mr...
This animated mock documentary directed by Chris Buck (TARZAN) and Ash Brannon (TOY STORY 2) follows penguin Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf) from his hometown of Shiverpool, Antarctica, where all of the...
Surf's Up goes behind the scenes of the high-octane world of competitive penguin surfing. Inspired by his hero, the legendary wave rider Big Z, Cody Maverick leaves his family and his town of...
Danna,Mychael Surf'S Up CD1. Legends 2. Sports Network Presents 3. You're in 4. Big Z's Shrine 5. Taking on Tank 6. The Geek 7. Stuck with This Guy 8. I Don't Have a Way 9. Log Roll 10. The Board...