In this Canadian rendering of a potential apocalypse then, in 1990, after the collapse of modern civilization (due to atomic accidents and the failure of the worlds economy), a young couple tries to...
Hugo Stieglitz, Norma Lazareno. Based on the stunning true story, Survive! Tells the story of 16 survivors of a plane crash in the Andes, and what they had to do to make it back to civilization alive...
A mysterious group has created a sadistic venture. Kidnapping young women, they auction the rights to hunt them to millionaires with a thirst for blood - and broadcast the hunt on the dark web for...
In Earth, acclaimed filmmaker Nikolaus Geyrhalter (Our Daily Bread, Homo Sapiens) observes people in mines, quarries, and fantastically mammoth construction sites where humans are transforming the...
With the world struggling to work out of a pandemic, scientist Martin Lowery (Joel Fry)-reluctantly squired by park ranger Alma (Ellora Torchia)-set off on foot into the Bristol woods for the remote...