This is a new installment in the new series "SWR Century Classics." The recording gives testimony of Norrington's specific "Stuttgart Sound" and contains one of the best-known symphonies by Gustav...
Kubelik / Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra Mahler Symphony 1 CD1. Langsam, Schleppend 2. Kr?ftig Bewegt, Doch Nicht Zu Schnell 3. Feierlich Und Gemessen, Ohne Zu Schleppen 4. St?rmisch Bewegt
Kubelik / Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra Kubelik Conducts Mahler Symphony 5 CD1. Part One, Movement I: Trauermarsch. in Gemessenem Schritt. Streng. Wie Ein Kondukt 2. Movement II: St?rmisch Bewegt...
The Fifth is a cursed work. Nobody understands it. (Gustav Mahler) The year 1901, when Mahler drafted the first sketches of the Fifth Symphony, mark the beginning of his "middle" phase, dominated...