With the grand opening of Jurassic World's new super-secret dinosaur exhibit just days away, only one thing is missing - the dinosaurs! In order to get the job done, Simon Masrani enlists his...
In "LEGO(R) Jurassic World: The Indominus Escape," two of the most beloved brands of all time come together like never before! When Simon Masrani accidentally destroys one of the park's main...
EXPLORE. DISCOVER. CREATE. TOGETHER. LEGO Worlds is an open environment of procedurally-generated Worlds made entirely of LEGO bricks which you can freely manipulate and dynamically populate with...
Set in 2012, newly hired animal behaviorist, Owen Grady, and Assistant Manager of Park Operations, Claire Dearing, team up on Isla Nublar to deal with everything the Jurassic World park throws their...