This C Major Entertainment release of Gustav Mahler's Ninth Symphony and the Adagio from the unfinished 10th Symphony concludes the issuance of the complete, acclaimed Mahler cycle with Paavo J?rvi...
The Beethoven symphonies: all nine of them stunning masterworks, all nine performed countless times. Be that as it may, there are conductors who can re-contextualize these symphonies in such a way...
This C Major Blu-ray disc release of Gustav Mahler's Symphonies 3 and 4 continues the complete Mahler audiovisual cycle project the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra and conductor Paavo JSrvi...
In a new release from the series of Metropolitan Munich programs comes a unique recording of star conductor Sergiu Celibidache. Celibidache returned to the podium before the Berliner Philharmoniker...