Close-knit New Orleans EMTs Steve (Anthony Mackie) and Dennis (Jamie Dornan) were facing private crises-Steve with a terminal diagnosis, and Dennis with the disappearance of his teenage daughter...
The production team of Florian Schirmacher and Helmut Ebritsch are weathered veterans of the vast electronic field. Hatikvah's sound is distinctly dub influenced, balancing the soulful edge of the...
Close-knit New Orleans EMTs Steve (Anthony Mackie) and Dennis (Jamie Dornan) were facing private crises-Steve with a terminal diagnosis, and Dennis with the disappearance of his teenage daughter...
KOMPAKT welcomes back Copenhagen's WhoMadeWho. Tomas Barfod's penchant for electronic music poetically juxtaposed with Tomas H?ffding and Jeppe Kjellberg's respective backgrounds in rock and jazz,...
Digitally remastered enhanced edition of the trio's fifth and final studio album with the Godley & Creme directed video of "Every Breath You Take" enhanced for extra viewing pleasure.1...